Sunday, 19 August 2012

Purity and Sanctification

Pleasant Morning to all my viewers today. This morning the main reason why we are alive is because of God, giving us the strength, health and breath to see yet another day, and for this we say, Thank You Jesus!

This Morning, I trust that we will be attending a church to offer our Praise and Worship to God for what he has done for us!
I would like to give a brief exhortation on Purity and Sanctification.

Purity can be defined as the state of being clean, or being free from all uncleanness. Sanctification is the state of being holy, set apart and fit for the master's use.
It is important to note that before you can become Sanctified, you must be purified, thus the first step is Purification.
It is God's desire for our life that we are all pure and sanctified. I'm not just speaking about sexual purity here, but just being pure from all sorts of uncleanness in this world, will make God happy!

Romans Chapter 12 exhorts us on how to be pure and sanctified, and the acts of Sanctification.

How can we become pure and sanctified?
Romans Chapter 12 vs 1 & 2 To become pure and sanctified we firstly need to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice to God, holy and acceptable, which simply means giving God your all. Ever heard of that song "I Give Myself Away" or "I Surrender All "? Well, these songs should be sang with meaning and purpose. When we offer our bodies as a living sacrifice to God we surrender all to God and let him take full control of our lives.
                                               Secondly, we need not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Simply put, we need not to love the uncleanness and filth of this world, as this world is a world in which we are just passing by. We need not adopt the styles of this world and the evil desires in which it is filled with. But, we need to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. The only way that our minds can be renewed is through the word of God. Therefore, we need to read God's word everyday, to ensure that we stay Pure and Sanctified, and not just read it, but apply it to our lives.

Acts of Sanctification: What do we do when we are Sanctified?
Romans Chapter 12 vs 3-21 If we follow the two steps above to be pure and sanctified, then we must prove that we are sanctified by following these processes. I call them processes, because they may not be easy to do on our own, we need the help of God. Therefore, we should always pray for God's help to keep us pure and sanctified.
(1) We need to be humble and not think that we are more or better than people.
(2) We need to use the talents and gifts that God has given us for his glory.
(3) We need to show love, not only to our friends and family and people in the church, but also to our enemies.
(4) We need to bless those who persecute us for Christ's sake.
(5) We need to live peaceably with all men, if it is possible.
(6) We need to abhor from all that which is evil, and cling to that which is good. 
(7) We need to love God with all our hearts, soul and minds.

I hope that this exhortation may have encouraged you to be better people for God by being pure and sanctified. Let us strive to Make God Happy!