Sunday, 26 August 2012

Deans List

I am grateful to God for allowing me to be as smart as I am. I did so well in pre-school and was so smart that they placed me directly in grade one. I never got to know what Grade K felt like. Then I performed exceptionally well in high school grabbing most of the awards and graduating with honors and student of the year! In college, for my first year, I have also done well. In fact, I performed outstandingly. I was on the deans list for second semester and summer semester! I got a lot of A's and I am grateful to God for all that I am, because without him I am nothing!

College is a lot of work. It's not a place to waste time. Those persons coming to college should not look for entertainment but should see college as a time of taking their school work seriously, focusing more, studying more and trying to attain and maintain a good GPA.